The Adventure Begins...

The Adventure Begins...
Class 851 February 2010 - April 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chapter Three

  • Describe the friendship between Will and Jim. What does the author mean when he says that Charles Halloway (Will's father) see the boys as representatives of two different types.

  • Ray Bradbury tends to use "foreshadowing" in this novel. What is foreshadowing and what are some examples of it in this chapter or the ones before it?


  1. The friendship between Will and Jim, is really meaningful in the story, because it shows the closeness of each other. For example it said that if one was faster, the other will run as fast as he could. Jim is the friend that's the fastest, and the one that knows what to expect of something, but there is Will who is just trying to see what Jim will do.

  2. Erika, do you think that this friendship can somehow be considered an element of foreshadowing?
