The Adventure Begins...

The Adventure Begins...
Class 851 February 2010 - April 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Why do you think Will's father is sad and feels old?

Why do you think his father is worried about the carnival?

1 comment:

  1. I think that Will's father feels old, because he thinks that he can't enjoy the same things as much as before. For example,it says, " Will makes me feel so old.. a man should be able to play baseball with his son"m he's trying to infer why he is old. Will doesn't think like this, but he's father is a little stubborn to be contradicted to. Even when he's wife tells him that he is a good man.
    I think that Will's father is worried about the carnival because it might mean bad news, or it can be all tied up about he not being the good father to his son, and he thinks that he can't enjoy the carnival. It can go either way, because I also wonder why Will's father didn't tell his wife about the hand bill paper.
